
Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our New Year 2025 PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIVE x £20 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £20 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. WINNERS MUST CONTACT SUPPORT@BPTREWARDS.CO.UK TO CONFIRM PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLAIM PRIZE. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

staceylm1986, rddplinston, laurenjayne567, zannypoo1986 and anitafutter0.

Previous Winners...

Congratulations to the winners of our Prezzee Xmas Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 Prezzee Vouchers. The following winners of the £10 Prezzee Voucher should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their email address that they would like to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days. WINNERS MUST CONTACT SUPPORT@BPTREWARDS.CO.UK TO CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLAIM PRIZE.

crazy_candy_666, debbie6, dean.austin90, ladyluck40, jolingkeat, fatflo, sallowe, natpilk31, nickategordon and LUCKYMONTY.

Congratulations to the winners of our Prezzee Summer Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 Prezzee Vouchers. The following winners of the £10 Prezzee Voucher should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their email address that they would like to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days. WINNERS MUST CONTACT SUPPORT@BPTREWARDS.CO.UK TO CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLAIM PRIZE.

calleja10, donnablackwell28, eladmello, mattbux10, mwalsh7, renee.stones, staceylm1986, hannah_rowlands, firebird and dave.lawrence1992.

Congratulations to the winners of our PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £10 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. WINNERS MUST CONTACT SUPPORT@BPTREWARDS.CO.UK TO CONFIRM PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLAIM PRIZE. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

vamallen,, annstanyeronline, shrieeiee, lucafilip99, lisahawley81, jinxbathory, debolaawujo, annstanyeronline and mjp19892.

Congratulations to the winners of our Prezzee Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 Prezzee Vouchers. The following winners of the £10 Prezzee Voucher should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their email address that they would like to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

scottie2904, leannechapaz, davidrutter25, makemineabrandy, elli40, lewisjking07, emmawalsh1975, HotShot8t8, Aquadebbi and emma.preston69.

Congratulations to the winners of our PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £10 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

agnieszka.kanczula, adasalt, hannah_rowlands, leannef_1982, portturts, shrieeiee, valleybabe88, grannytea, reecesomer and pennykershaw1988.

Congratulations to the winners of our January PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIVE x £20 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £20 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

portturts, ezzy2515, drakestockley, connersemma and adrilg85

Congratulations to the winners of our XMAS Prezzee Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £25 Prezzee Smart Vouchers. The following winners of the £25 Prezzee Vouchers should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address that they wish to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

roseabaird, nikolabalazova867, stephenconley, bb1957, ryanaus04, firebird, panth3r, kimmycup, connersemma and paulturton.

Congratulations to the winners of our November PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIVE x £20 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £20 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

grannytea, elli40, nicholasharris901, and rachelkwilmshurst.

Congratulations to the winners of our October PayPal Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 PayPal Cash. The following winners of the £10 PayPal Cash should ensure that the PayPal email address registered in their BingoPort account matches their PayPal email address. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

sarahmayxx, philiplindoe, bendaniel80, pinkstar59, jasonhouse8119, jennifersavage78, roseabaird, braxa82, trisha.stephen and IslasDad.

Congratulations to the winners of our September Prezzee Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £5 Prezzee Smart Vouchers. The following winners of the £5 Prezzee Vouchers should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address that they wish to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

Donbren75, exetergirl, malarin, an_boxer, harrisonlowie4, tonynitty700, samantha.leese, imac894402, caroline282005, kayclap, caroline282005, mjeller990, vladi84delev, akilegnaoktobos, Ladylorr, mjeller990, tonynitty700, ecusick, anthonyastbury and natalie_wright33.

Congratulations to the winners of our Summer Prezzee Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £20 Prezzee Smart Vouchers. The following winners of the £20 Prezzee Vouchers should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address that they wish to receive the voucher. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

daveo1302, shelaghstanley, marieee_1, bcatlock, valleybabe88, leewaity19871987, Ladylorr, allanmurray30, carolinecurran2021 and janicesluck

Congratulations to the winners of our June Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

natashasegal4, cartwright.leon, polopinky, titchiibabi, Ladylorr, jennings1072, Aquadebbi, kiefahowie, lottielwolfe and malarin

Congratulations to the winners of our May Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

Adedayo19, yatskaya.katya, armarna.forbes, shelaghstanley, chezzarnold, genieandchaz, grandmadottty, jinxbathory, jasonhouse8119 and sezrahsylvan

Congratulations to the winners of our April Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

traceytommy1, davedempsey84, houlston3, kimmycup, browna014, joeanthonyparkin1, imac894402, caramarie33, lisax1981 and jasonhouse8119

Congratulations to the winners of our March Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

Mouse95, chancnc, azsameleto, stuart.hoysted, joeanthonyparkin1, mrhingley, blueray, meggie39, jinxbathory and nicola.roberts.comps

Congratulations to the winners of our February Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

dave.mckeenan, lauracoombs81, darrendavison66, Newmum20, fatflo, rachybaby, jasonhouse8119, dpernaros, jinxbathory and porterfieldalex1

Congratulations to the winners of our February CK Makeup Set Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY EIGHT CK Makeup Sets. The following winners should ensure that their postal address is entered in their BingoPort account. Set will be sent within 14 working days.

adam_benkoda, Showtime1888, beca.pennar, iwinformissbplz, bjkerr_92, creweben2, Donbren75, emma.preston69, hennaherbs, imessageme18, jodietracyann.jt, kamc1977, kodie1, kellysnelly, leannef_1982, linzihardy78, monicaandlynn, margerysankey128, marilynwarren06, Nattynoo90, rachava090909, rachybaby, sichitiu.cristina, siobhandl.morgan0, traciecutts, Tracy72262, tracywood779 and vitalijasolovjova.

Congratulations to the winners of our January Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

azsameleto, connersemma, gemcollins84, jools2, lauracoombs81, lisacherylturner, livelycrackers, Zewizard, nicola.roberts.comps and sagebirt.

Congratulations to the winners of our December Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £5 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £5 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

MFalchion, l.southgate, Zewizard, kimmycup, nashjina, emmadee28, joeanthonyparkin1, elli40, charmed1964, livelycrackers, donnarose1, camillajay2021, dave.mckeenan, samharhoff, anitafutter0, vitorbarbosa44, wardtallon, missconduct92, keriannahope and hawsonjenny.

Congratulations to the winners of our November Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £5 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £5 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

charmed1964, fatflo, mjbb143, lynnegillett, mrhingley, chocolateprettykitty, mandyjane1965, brianyear1967, gino5678365, arturasend, mandyjane1965, caramarie33, sarai.richards, cpaull86, jools2, keriannahope, donnarose1, marilynwarren06, bjkerr_92 and kirsteenrosie29.

Congratulations to the winners of our October Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

elizabethcampbell70, emmawalsh1975, kayla5, fatflo, allanmurray30, milkshake081079, akshay-94, Miroslav, dpernaros and 1leonsmith1993

Congratulations to the winners of our September Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

betmario, zig-zag-zig, charmed1964, browna014, arturasend, Catlady60, gemcollins84, Moneybiz, greetgary and Phoenix43.

The Winner of the Summer £2k Holiday Sweepstakes Prize is jolingkeat. Congratulations and enjoy your Holiday!

Congratulations to the winners of our Summer Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

mr.sandeeptak, kamc1977, emmadee28, emmawalsh1975, andrew.baron93, louisem, lisaadie121, ibizaeileen0, kayclap and Phunt84.

Congratulations to the winners of our June Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

bcatlock, houlston3, martin.kendrick1, caprice.caprice10, jolingkeat, gemcollins84, ltonks1991, jonwilkes08, marektrojanowski11, nicola.roberts.comps, caramarie33, Famous5, emma.preston69, ceho2211, hooliganka, matt.heath29, tsbbank, jasonhouse8119, jolingkeat and helenco.

Congratulations to the winners of our May Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

tel_ma_33, darius.mcphail, frankdeveux, kbenyei68, houlston3, jayandbob, christoz11, kayclap, dave.mckeenan, chlomay31, Samj79, kelliemarieeagle84, astronautbp, jennings1072, louloubell69, ceho2211, avemena, gspritchardban, tsbbank and kathrynsolclegg.

Congratulations to the winners of our April Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £50 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £50 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

traceyaphillips, prakashgrg9829, ibizaeileen0, baldady, ferrari.458.china, mrhingley, Catlady60, akilegnaoktobos, OParsons86 and malarin.

Congratulations to the winners of our March Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £50 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £50 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

maggs2, hennaherbs, river1lady, danielraskew, kayclap, akilegnaoktobos, kiefahowie, bijendrabhandari96, tinaw and stuart.hoysted.

Congratulations to the winners of our February Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

kiefahowie, pumpkinfish1, notanun64, dansmithdan90, rachybaby, barbinckaite1993, momkat1607, ameliadexter89, natashahigham94, debbieforrest48, troggie84, pandzior84, Sabre65, a.har1, bailey.joshua3, river1lady, traceyaphillips, janicesluck, pclissett and faycel.derbali.

Congratulations to the winners of our January Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

blackpudding2, steparussian, roseabaird, kellysnelly, bb1957, sfenna71, martin.kendrick1, Lolek098, fatflo, whitakercarina, gemcollins84, vvasilopoulos, saggu01_, chlomay31, faycel.derbali, leannef_1982, emma.preston69, leannef_1982, baldady and emmzyh1974.

Congratulations to the winners of our December Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

rtk22, martin.kendrick1, leannef_1982, natnat0483, scally2000, natnat0483, bb1957, river1lady, susan.dempsey1, vvasilopoulos, ryanaidanmclaughlin1990, lailaelvin, ibizaeileen0, christinehamley18, pumpkinfish1, stephenconley, emma.preston69, leannef_1982, baldady and emmzyh1974.

Congratulations to the winners of our June Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

Haylayho, mattheww2, timothyjameson99, baldady, mrsmac1333, michellew18, prowe90, dave.mckeenan, kelly061692, emmzyh1974, akilegnaoktobos, bb1957, titchiibabi, guppyorpenfold, traceyaphillips, lisawellings21, jamieleigh.crutchley00, janicesluck, Silkymolo, river1lady, damianmassingham1, baldady, patrickprocter99, mrryednb and momkat1607.

Congratulations to the winner of our May Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 PayPal Cashback!

The winner is scally2000

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our May Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

alexander.m.tumwiime, l.southgate, valleybabe88, jennaanddave, brwbuchan, Hansoluk, bumblebeebrax1982, pstotalsolutions, brwbuchan, Sheila692, rachybaby, Anna72, msjackie14, Carlyc1990, alexander.m.tumwiime, jennaanddave, nikkijjkey, adamuk87, Hansoluk, barbourisjames, baldady, markgriffin45, barbourisjames, pstotalsolutions and abochenek51

Congratulations to the winners of our May Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

bb1957, aashleigh890, blossom1, pink_cows_r, patrickprocter99, ibizaeileen0, dizzy121, abbeygriffin, jessiecat1969 and kelly061692.

Congratulations to the winner of our April Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 PayPal Cashback!

The winner is kaycleav

Congratulations to the winners of our April Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

bb1957, bijendrabhandari96, bumblebeebrax1982, dave.mckeenan, gemcollins84, MFalchion, abochenek51, jls1948, Helenp, brwbuchan, bb1957, natnat0483, Ladylorr, grannytea, dave.mckeenan, jackandbecks051013, Helenp, ewankane72, natnat0483, momkat1607, pumpkinfish1, leannechapaz, brwbuchan, kelly061692 and emmadee28.

Congratulations to the winners of our April Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

michaelckarke, whitakercarina, adempsey591, baldady, jackie.robertson, kelly061692, dondonuk, mikelee081089, costinio2929 and cosatherapies.

Congratulations to the winner of our March Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 PayPal Cashback!

The winner is pf.baker

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our March Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

hotdog2015, kayleigh.discombe, dean.austin90, oshaughnessymichael1, adampurcigo4, jennaanddave, emma.preston69, d3rr1ck88, adamuk87, Tinker77, bumblebeebraxa1982, danwatkins35, leannechapaz, gemcollins84, henesper, brwbuchan, cmarsden4163, ackerslouise1, baldady, Phow, alexandra.gebski, rtk22, martindw107w, samlouisenorris and konan223.

Congratulations to the winners of our March Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

a-carr, lisawilton45, erobinson1915, cosatherapies, hollieburton15, jakepicton777, elliotrobbins777, mustecoded, olejniczaka189 and jackandbecks051013.

Congratulations to the winner of our February Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 PayPal Cashback!

The winner is emma.preston69

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our February Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

david633, pumpkinfish1, sheila2956, brwbuchan, catherineclayton61, stevewormwill, charlotte.russell, leannejphillips1, Tony7, noahthacks, abraxanicholson.82, bb1957, jennaanddave, aasuplier, chris1949, Ladylorr, alkadmose22222, jasmina1, Tony7, wwwmmm28888, Kafke13, rachybaby, Silkymolo, aramae.ayop1 and quinnjade88.

Congratulations to the winners of our February Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

emmanuelamponsem1, blewy007, blossom1, megapacks2017, adampurcigo4, 10x, cosatherapies, sarahannlouise34, nicjfro69 and lyonslaura0.

Congratulations to the winner of our January Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 PayPal Cashback!

The winner is ingasaskova

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our January Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

kayleighskittrall, louise.petrie13, grapeemma1, baldady, CRAZYCALA, noahbuilttheark, natalieharkness1989, titomira86, tonynitty7, vytukasmate123,, noahbuilttheark, juliepat, tanstrata, rachybaby, emma.preston69, hollieburton15, natnat0483, noahbuilttheark, elli40, evkbrooks, voguexbeast, chantelle89_marshall, mrcjwren and tobyfensome.

Congratulations to the winners of our January Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

kitty2089kat, jodsky10, jcunny800, elise.velkeneers, nickibrydon3, krzysztoflisowiec10, jackandbecks051013, toddt11, Phow and blossom1.

Congratulations to the winner of our December Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive a £250 Amazon Voucher!

The winner is intel450

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our December Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

belknope, baldady, martin.stekkinger, jaynesuv, jennaanddave, kvb666, alex.t010101, nessa90908, natnat0483, aravinth12, danielfryer2001, chholmes94, prestigefierce, pumpkinfish1, Darienne, chholmes94, darrenhann7740, alissaknope95, elli40, neil2, woohaa1, hartleysusan98, ivan87, mjrstratford.mb and msjackie14.

Congratulations to the winners of our December Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

samuel-j-turner, aneekaj4racy6kbm, jessiecat1969, blossom1, mrchips0610, hawkeyebri0071, Seanduffin4, pfciz, kevblaylock and anicholson.9136.

Congratulations to the winner of our November Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive a £250 Amazon Voucher!

The winner is blackpudding2

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our November Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

juliepat, andreea_luminita95, donnadonna66, laraqueenxx, titchiibabi, chris1949, gannavvvvv, Dawid19144, gallagherjoanne598, biancaledonia, mumkezov3, smiffy28, beccapeacock91, jennaanddave, Spatula, hartleysusan98, flc-uk, oliverpaul, natnat0483, Dawid19144, amandafarr11, tinaw, Shanmcguire, kylieboo and Phow.

Congratulations to the winners of our November Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

1ross4u, leoneeswalss, alvinklein374, raxiediablo666, kathrynsolclegg, cwayprof, liamsmithn, troggie84, tomipasztor87 and tuki20009.

Congratulations to the winner of our October Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive a £250 Amazon Voucher!

The winner is leannef_1982

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our October Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

danielfryer2001, smiffy28, chris1949, penguins62, jesspmartin1997, galbaith7171, jamieitunes1, fuzzymoo90, jennaanddave, skyeb2013, katie.proctor94, ecbannan, jaydensmum2008, faron.kendall, rebeccabpink, matty2k8612, tom.lightfoot, tygemmell43, prendiville15, mikelee081089, Spatula, Tony7, mssmorris, dodgydodger and enchantedcastle90.

Congratulations to the winners of our October Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

gino5678365, gemcollins84, krissylee292, Phow, natnat0483, lauraismay4, paddyjdelany, mikelee081089, mattfitt543 and teeleesa2

Congratulations to the winner of our September Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 Paypal Credit!

The winner is MFalchion

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our September Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

elised87, ojekaleojekale3, Barney1966, susanaustin2014, o_neillemma, pumpkinfish1, seere18, Spatula, chris1949, sprice8209, blackacsroyals, msjackie14, jonathanjricks, bb1957, matty2k1986, tom.lightfoot, juliepat, chris1949, Becca72, momkat1607, bartukasiewicz, mssmorris, matty86bfg, catherineclayton61 and sheila2956.

Congratulations to the winners of our September Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

momkat1607, bee.tea.1993, Luke1985, thashmore84, denisemccallum56, nataliemcroy, anashistka, peterson.muhereza, skyeb2013 and rtgambol.

Congratulations to the winner of our August Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 Paypal Credit!

The winner is baibasaskova82

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our August Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY FIVE x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

bee.tea.1993, ashley_whittle, ffummy52, leannef_1982, pumpkinfish1, rtk22, kevow89121, penguins62, chris1949, kayleigh.discombe, flc-uk, jackpothit, stanleii93, decjshanahan, louisebecca1985, ecummings636, sarahjon16, susanaustin2014, judith1960, jodyb82, laney321, dalsworthy, momkat1607, mrsmunchiej, and hkuczala.

Congratulations to the winners of our August Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

stanleii93, wilsonhannah909, abeech06, appahuay, johnallen12, jprest, petedunc88, blossom1, clarefrancis1983 and jessiecat1969.

Congratulations to the winner of our July Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 Paypal Credit!

The winner is pumpkinfish1

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our July Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

dinesh.lathia62, megsonclare, naikers2, mirketto3, acsroyalbr, tinaw, susanaustin2014, ewankane72, kostalova777, shivee, Ladylorr, Chigs007, garyorr50, batchicken3, kewaldokc, juliepat, teeleesa2, trouble48, smiffy28, pinkredhead66, daniellewilliams985, sarahannlouise34, Spatula, romaniebrewer8, corlessangi9, kayleigh.discombe, jamilammo5, heatherbennett13, momkat1607, Annedxxx, emma.preston69, samantha.quinney720, Melb663, anetherton20202, hoffmeyerdh, roseabaird, mrchips0610, margaret-f-mckee, callsign89, falakfarid1308, amur12100, sheila2956, martina21192, den860, rtk22, staceyfry5, jodiehenderson94, wishicudwin, fionapatrick1 and rtk22.

Congratulations to the winners of our July Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

hahcdg, wilshirestephanie, rowlands_yasmin, denisemccallum56, ninacooper8, bethanybaggot1996, Melissa2601, millerjake999, blossom1 and kedaco.

Congratulations to the winner of our June Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 Paypal Credit!

The winner is natnat0483

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our June Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

levismith2805, blackpudding2, matty27345, matthewmann1998, amur12100, obrienluke, mariafenner97, mustaphahussaini26, graysshite,, debjones7b, alonaveitaite84, ho.michelle72, meganperkis_, Tommys133, calvertk7, chris1949, snappy88, Koszyk, flc-uk, Clrsanders, eihpos29, brwbuchan, luvken143, leannef_1982, maggs2, gemcollins84, csaunders89.cs79, amandafarr11, vladimir.strkalj, welshdruid69, jennyembleton, alicja2013, heatherbennett13, lsd2000, mike.heery, dean.austin90, nikirushton2019, Anna72, xemmaxx, davidhamilton8888, chris1949, dean.austin90, ecummings636, jessyemmy, k.suddaby, dean.austin90, brwbuchan, leannef_1982 and ctraynorwhite.

Congratulations to the winners of our June Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days., kedaco, katiefeetenby, laurashannon22, Kekkykeks, kimberly.stewart7, andrewoldfield1998, joelwatson2004, mattyitz0 and jake.bilsland.

Congratulations to the winner of our May Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive £250 Paypal Credit!

The winner is jacquelineF

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our May Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

lexihb.4450, emma_forrester, dansgirl87, oxfordguy30, jordanfun80, kitzybuckley, charlescarmichael965, midnightshadow93, jofinlayson, Chigs007, Anna72, thomasastley, natnat0483, win050, eady.rachel7, jakmetcalff20186, Parsnip68, teeleesa2, stevemcknight486, midnightshadow93, chelseakmatthews, audrey_millar, joshb9619, Clrsanders, louloubell69, Sugarnspice, njjp360, diagonal, titchiibabi, kiera.longland90, adam6613, garry196349, stuartjohnferguson, sjpearce, karinekrimm, Becca72, stuartjohnferguson, grannytea, dalsworthy, sophiehayess, chelseatoliver12, lietuvasp, bingogirltwo, cannonjordan667, bcatlock, katnan, johnce, amymoffatt100, sumanbanda_100 and catherineclayton61.

Congratulations to the winners of our May Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

rminards, siweczek1234567, bluepurplegold92, kerrimassingham, conormccann2403, jools2, beckyf.x, denisemccallum56, karinekrimm and mushyceb.

Congratulations to the winner of our April Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive an ASUS VivoBook X420 Full HD 14 Inch Laptop, valued at £449.99.

The winner is Anna72

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our April Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

ady1234uk, jimrburton, babyboo777, HighasKaz, totneyharrison, lukedisney15, juliepat, harryjo, Darienne, breezyboi_breezyboi, debbieforrest48, SAMTHEGSD, blossom1, brendanmcnulty4, amandafarr11, HighasKaz, richardgadd, tinaw, xMrsKx and natnat0483.

Congratulations to the winners of our April Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

garethwheeler1985, erincampbell, cardenmich, zosia070595, blossom1, zarobki112, angela-vaughan87, lucyp145, jessiet1993 and thomsonlorraine579.

Congratulations to the winner of our March Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive an LG 49UM7100PLB 49 Inch UHD 4K HDR Smart LED TV, valued at £349.00.

The winner is katnan

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our March Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TWENTY x £20 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £20 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

allanmurray30, juliepat, important, flc-uk, Mely123, grannytea, Teajay, RitaW67, m-himsworth, eloisebowden18, lukedisney15, itsjames1, davesgranda, Helenp, HighasKaz, volkan, ip.caulfield, pumpkinfish1, bb1957 and lukedisney15.

Congratulations to the winners of our March Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

brennanpaul3001, aimsria12, ryandyke2000, murchisona2100, skwiggle, Tumtum0, victoriajcrangle, gannavvvvv, elitabrudzyn and mateuszseczkowski1908.

Congratulations to the winner of our February Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive an ASUS VivoBook X420 Full HD 14 Inch Laptop, valued at £449.99.

The winner is dalsworthy

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our February Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

urban.honey69, lyndaj55, dalsworthy, caramarie33, lucky6446, vape_me, jacquelineflashman, joel.holland.turner, welshdruid69, mrchips0610, throwawayaksoo, shelley6763, bb1957, oxfordguy30, vickster75, mrchips0610, eric1962riley, Ummagumma70, martinjwhittle, morgs1718, lyndsey1910, momkat1607, charlie4ever2003, jaydensmum2008, natnat0483, pumpkinfish1, monkeyisland2013, jackpothit, earlericksone, charliemarie8850, baibasaskova82, kayleigh.discombe, mrbbb83, oxfordguy30, earlericksone, lisaannebooth, g.ruiz, HighasKaz, davesgranda, earlericksone, Terrylondon79, sueriley1968, LOIM897BBM, smiffy28, joel.holland.turner,, kylieboo, zuzia133, Monkey69 and ecbannan

Congratulations to the winners of our February Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

simplcity.djr, Teajay, murchisona12100, cbrand7, tangalicious, gemstarellis, meeshyq2, richard0, Williams.colin and louis.s.dowling

Congratulations to the winner of our January Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive an ASUS VivoBook X420 Full HD 14 Inch Laptop, valued at £449.99.

The winner is Ummagumma70

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our January Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

HighasKaz, jaydensmum2008, Ritchie14789, vrr2018, zigzagzig, neilflashman, amandafarr11, Libra21, smilersteve, naphademanish, jend80, chrissy9821, Papsyboy, mrchips0610, alisonsarah88, Nausten1995, colbcrawley, tinaw, flcuk, aw212, varinia81, Wfletch, welshdruid69, ingasaskova, HighasKaz, davesgranda, bb1957, mrbbb83, Libra21, caramarie33, rafallezak1989, ddavid.stephenson, mcshepherd24, cloclo11, Emmabarnes199, blossom1, jaydensmum2008, monkeyisland2013, dalsworthy, hoothoot2, loaderw, bella727, monkeyisland2013, varinia81, davesgranda, sudowdeswell, psx_backups99, Bakajoko1, caramarie33, fernandozeca9, dalsworthy, bcatlock, wendye399, matthew199200, aaj8714, snipp351, aminuyn, Cootey1984, bb1957 and Helenp

Congratulations to the winners of our January Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

mse2k7, gemstarellis, lisaannebooth, juliepat, reece.fisher, calvinboyle42, alisonsarah88, paulelliott94, cmaddocks2379 and flc-uk

Congratulations to the winner of our December Major Sweepstakes draw, who received an ASUS VivoBook X420 Full HD 14 Inch Laptop, valued at £449.99.

The winner is lozzwell

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our December Cash Sweepstakes draw, who shared FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account.

mrsmunchiej, tinaw, katnan, pumpkinfish1, davesgranda, homerdoh, Donbren75, kicius_2368, jordanmcclimonds.9, lerunya.85, Pinkdelight, daveallencalios, twiyg1443, jordanmcclimonds.9, sambess, tinaw, sambess, garry196349, homerdoh, baibasaskova82, bb1957, archiekai18, bb1957, dizzy121, tonyp, Terrylondon79, Spatula, Littered19, caramarie33, MonysGirlm, HighasKaz, amanda02051992, grannytea, penguins62, dizzy121, flc-uk, tonyp, kicius_2368, penguins62, HighasKaz, cummingsemma678, Helenp, emmjane_1, pumpkinfish1, bcwdesign, juliepat, SAMTHEGSD, bb1957, dalsworthy and sarahjon16

Congratulations to the winners of our December Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who shared TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account.

archiekai18, flc-uk, Donbren75, blossom1, Wersu1992, suesweeney, weddelljulie, cath.glaze, Kpgukgums and bespokebirdie

Congratulations to the winner of our November Major Sweepstakes draw, who'll receive an ASUS VivoBook X420 Full HD 14 Inch Laptop, valued at £449.99.

The original winner of the November Major Sweepstakes was ineligible, due to them residing outside the UK. We have re-drawn the prize and the new winner is natnat048

Important Reminder: If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom, you are ineligible to receive prizes or redemption items from the Rewards Store. This is clearly stated as the first condition of membership in our Terms of Use.

Congratulations to the winners of our first ever November Cash Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in FIFTY x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

natnat0483, psx_backups99, tinaw, janicesluck, winnable, sambess, narrowgirl, Terrylondon79, MFalchion, kodienadinewingate, juliepat, bb1957, dalsworthy, sambess, Terrylondon79, natnat0483, summergirl2, bb1957, dalsworthy, natnat0483, priyanka, alphababy94, rachy.rae.1988, bb1957, natnat0483, natnat0483, dalsworthy, vrr2018-bingoport, Ladylorr, bb1957, sambess, kodienadinewingate, claralvzjj, chermane, mrsmunchiej, bb1957, sambess, dalsworthy, alphababy94, dalsworthy, roseabaird, sambess, roseabaird, Tony7, Ladylorr, kodienadinewingate, dalsworthy, roseabaird and sambess

Congratulations to the winners of our first ever November Limited Entries Sweepstakes draw, who'll share in TEN x £10 cash prizes via PayPal. The following winners of the £10 cash prizes should ensure that the email address registered in their BingoPort account matches the email address registered in their PayPal account. Payments will be completed within 7 days.

mrchips0610, tinaw, summergirl2, juliepat, gravetonabby1, stuartgarside, nicmarie77, sambess, momkat1607 and roseabaird

Congratulations to the previous winners of our October 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 10th Prize - Fire HD 8 Tablet, 16 GB, Black - valued at £89.99 each - sue1960, Anna72, natnat0483, rachybaby, Lizb2, eileen310, cleishman, Phow, blackpudding2 and momkat1607

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - HighasKaz, juliepat, davesgranda, poppywest64, shani3, natnat0483, maggs2, chris1949, Libra21, bb1957, subri123, natnat0483, Helenp, subri123, boxjacqui, shani3, Graphic45, Lillitowin100, Anna72, intel450, nuggs, bb1957, elised87, sue1960, bb1957, nuggs, Stu-pot, davesgranda, homerdoh and dana60

Congratulations to the previous winners of our September 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 10th Prize - Fire HD 8 Tablet, 16 GB, Black - valued at £89.99 each - maggs2, twiyg1443, emmzyh1974, bb1957, Famous5, Kara5912, mandyjane1965, dalsworthy, mikeewins and intel450

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - dalsworthy, intel450, bb1957, sliceoflemon, dizzy121, gemma567, winnable, notanun64, Tinker77, fatflo, Triffy, JanThomas, intel450, Hanskuinjpc, bb1957, winnable, richaaarde, blossom1, intel450, w3lshy33, dalsworthy, rochelle10, Stu-pot, d.haden, sliceoflemon, intel450, alsengrete, narrowgirl, carlingblack and Kara5912

Congratulations to the previous winners of our August 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 10th Prize - Fire HD 8 Tablet, 16 GB, Black - valued at £89.99 each - Sugarnspice, summergirl2, pearsonc, Stitches2019, leannef_1982, winnable, cosmicgirly, tenderfoot, Helenp and Shelana1

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - subri123, wmiddy37, mrchips0610, kayleejade30, summergirl2, legs11ferdy, rachybaby, madjock37, mrsmunchiej, janicesluck, maggs2, misschuffa, nissie, TinaThomas, wmiddy37, twiyg1443, bonford, sue1960, JanThomas, winnable, winnable, fatflo, juliepat, winnable, MonkeyMagic666, pansylbf, sue1960, natnat0483, tinaw and winnable

Congratulations to the previous winners of our July 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - broil-master® Steel BBQ Gas Grill With 5 Burners - valued at £119.95 each - natnat0483, k4ty, natdrowe1, intel450 and leannef_1982

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - ifonlyicanwin, elli40, intel450, chris1949 and natnat0483

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - HighasKaz, chris1949, Libra21, keelietaylor0, Bdeeann, davesgranda, arronh2018, Libra21, SAMTHEGSD, misschuffa, shane.birchley, kimqueeny, homerdoh, Ladylorr, elli40, sue1960, phil41ba, phil41ba, kdebbie1383, tinaw, jls1948, davesgranda, HighasKaz, JanThomas, TaMuch, meldd08, Darienne, snipp351, Ladylorr and chris1949

Congratulations to the previous winners of our June 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - broil-master® Steel BBQ Gas Grill With 5 Burners - valued at £119.95 each - Ladylorr, bb1957, tinaw, cilip1 and elised87

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - bb1957, misssixty23, paisleyrae1985, Graphic45 and Sugarnspice

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - Meachyswife, tinaw, intel450, dana60, bb1957, welshdruid69, 10x, intel450, jules139, galadion, Richardh, Helenp, Darienne, Bdeeann, SAMTHEGSD, kimmycup, tinaw, Meachyswife, nomorework, welshdruid69, Ladylorr, intel450, rachybaby, sarah1080, dana60, jules139, Darienne, sliceoflemon, eternia and HighasKaz

Congratulations to the previous winners of our May 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fusion5 11.6" Full HD Windows Laptop Computer - valued at £149.95 each - HighasKaz, msjackie14, Loki229, Libra21 and DollyMixture67

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - snappy88, Loki229, patchkins, skypass and keira2909

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - swenbift, HighasKaz, Helenp, 2ndchance1, nuggs, 2ndchance1, SAMTHEGSD, janicesluck, Graphic45, nuggs, HighasKaz, HighasKaz, Nicky3185, nuggs, Loki229, Graphic45, janicesluck, HighasKaz, Bobby6219, HighasKaz, honeybee88, bb1957, bigjan, juliepat, sue1960, Lenton31, Graphic45, autumn95, Kirianne83 and HighasKaz

Congratulations to the previous winners of our April 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fusion5 11.6" Full HD Windows Laptop Computer - valued at £149.95 each - tracym1, 15gail, leeson, Marmaladecat and juliepat

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - izabella, leeson, kerrylou, Sugarnspice and choc1

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - Krissy004, saltnshake, Shelana1, chris1949, terrib1, patchkins, bigjan, washer, sjj5551, bucket22, angiebabe1, rugby76, subri123, sue1960, chrissy703, suziejet, tinaw, johnce, macann, keira2909, Cat67890, Ruthie37, Marmaladecat, elised87, HighasKaz, elli40, nichart, chris1949, izabella and Donbren75

Congratulations to the previous winners of our March 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fusion5 11.6" Full HD Windows Laptop Computer - valued at £149.95 each - mrchips0610, john7788, bettybingoxx40, Lenton31 and keira2909

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - bella727, macann, sue1960, smiffy28 and john7788

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - ollieboiz, bigjan, Sammy34, sjj5551
keylady, zig-zag-zig, myway1, patchkins, Sugarnspice, TinaThomas, chrissy703, rhond1, narrowgirl, patchkins, john7788, braybrooke, bigjan, Michaela07, suenet51, whizzbangpop, JanThomas, janjan516, Julie640616, Shelana1, Michaela07, ger, Stu-pot, ger, ger
and Barney1966

Congratulations to the previous winners of our February 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fusion5 11.6" Full HD Windows Laptop Computer - valued at £149.95 each - NATSAMX1973, gemgem83, garry196349, ehallett25 and garry196349

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - mrsmunchiej, bucket22, johnce, Peter.chef and mrchips0610

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - NATSAMX1973, bucket22, cypry1, camsmum13, twinklestar12345, sahara, davies1258, dizzyb123, choccwoccy1, Richardh, gemgem83, intel450, Akabirds, garry196349, Richardh, garry196349, dizzy121, sue1960, tinaw, jewlz, HighasKaz, maggs2, jojo2015, maggs2, chrissy703, blossom1, mrsmunchiej, gemgem83, garry196349 and winnable

Congratulations to the previous winners of our January 2019 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Hands-Free, 10.1” 1080p Full HD Display, 32 GB, Black - valued at £159.99 - chrissy703, natdrowe1, johnce, whizzbangpop and bb1957

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - Fleebag34, lynndo, Vacharlton, lyndaj55 and barbarl

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - notanun64, caryszara, notanun64, saltnshake, leftovers, natdrowe1, sheila2956, garry196349, ehallett25, Neverwinme95, saltnshake, Bobzzy, angel1331, frankster1963, caryszara, kraken3, cloclo11, twiyg1443, winnable, Shelby1979, chris1949, natdrowe1, leftovers, TaMuch, braybrooke, HighasKaz, Helenp, notanun64, bonford and garry196349

Congratulations to the previous winners of our December 2018 Sweepstakes draw.

1st - 5th Prize - Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Hands-Free, 10.1” 1080p Full HD Display, 32 GB, Black - valued at £159.99 - subri123, juliepat, TaMuch, mrsmunchiej and barbarl

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - lewisanne, subri123, pansylbf, 15gail and luckecharm

11th - 40th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £300 - smiths02, narrowgirl, sandra26362, kell4lee, cloclo11, Sui, Lizb2, meljb6, mandyjane1965, mandyjane1965, pansylbf, yevmo3131, barbarl, 15gail, mrchips0610, helenlenton1983, wot_1, cypry1, yevmo3131, cloclo11, blackpudding2, rior, Creditcrunch70, elli40, cypry1, johnce, lovebird67, rochelle10, notanun64 and katisluck

Congratulations to the previous winners of our November 2018 Sweepstakes draw.

1st Prize - Samsung UE40NU7120 40-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV - valued at £649.99 - sliceoflemon

2nd Prize - 2018 Apple iPad 9.7" WiFi 32GB - Silver - valued at £315 - lovebird67

3rd Prize - Amazon Echo (2nd generation) - Smart speaker with Alexa - valued at £89.99 - homerdoh

4th Prize - Amazon Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | Streaming Media Player - valued at £39.99 - Sheila692

5th Prize - American Chocolate Candy Hamper Box - valued at £24.95 - leeson

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - nannybess, suegosue, blackpudding2, YIPPEEEE and Lizrob3

11th - 20th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - Twilightgirl, cloclo11, nannybess, whizzbangpop, Suzzy30, cloclo11, blueray, Lizrob3, izabella and moron

Congratulations to the previous winers of our October 2018 Sweepstakes draw, conducted on the 1st of November, 2018.

1st Prize - Samsung UE40NU7120 40-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV - valued at £649.99 - blossom1

2nd Prize - 2018 Apple iPad 9.7" WiFi 32GB - Silver - valued at £315 - humblepie

3rd Prize - Amazon Echo (2nd generation) - Smart speaker with Alexa - valued at £89.99 - shellnpaul1

4th Prize - Amazon Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | Streaming Media Player - valued at £39.99 - jasoli

5th Prize - American Chocolate Candy Hamper Box - valued at £24.95 - juliepat

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - ladylorr, juliepat, janthomas, matty2k867, and notanun64

11th - 20th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - blackpudding2, john7788, juju12, johnce, tamuch, jasoli, sjj5551, mandyjane1965, victoriaplum and dizzy121

Congratulations to the previous winners of our September 2018 Sweepstakes draw, conducted on the 1st of October, 2018.

1st Prize - Samsung UE40NU7120 40-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV - valued at £649.99 - jls1948

2nd Prize - 2018 Apple iPad 9.7" WiFi 32GB - Silver - valued at £315 - twiyg1443

3rd Prize - Amazon Echo (2nd generation) - Smart speaker with Alexa - valued at £89.99 - carlasturn

4th Prize - Amazon Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | Streaming Media Player - valued at £39.99 - macann

5th Prize - American Chocolate Candy Hamper Box - valued at £24.95 - washer

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - lenton31, amyleigh86, mandyjane1965, hobbit79, and helenp

11th - 20th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - jackie12345, myway1, jeanny, bb1957, lenton31, ladylorr, nannybess, bdeeann, jenannee and caryszara

Congratulations to the previous winners of our August 2018 Monthly Sweepstakes draw, conducted on the 3rd of September, 2018.

1st Prize - Samsung UE40NU7120 40-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV - valued at £649.99 - misssixty23

2nd Prize - 2018 Apple iPad 9.7" WiFi 32GB - Silver - valued at £315 - smudge2011

3rd Prize - Amazon Echo (2nd generation) - Smart speaker with Alexa - valued at £89.99 - alis0n82

4th Prize - Amazon Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | Streaming Media Player - valued at £39.99 - fran54

5th Prize - American Chocolate Candy Hamper Box - valued at £24.95 - bugsy1976

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - tinaw, Julie640616, sue1960, Tinker77, and macann

11th - 20th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - Tinker77, gemgem83, Loki229, rochelle10, macann, YouLittleBeauty, Twilightgirl, urdadcalling, 007BC and nannybess

Congratulations to the previous winners of our July 2018 Q2 Sweepstakes draw, conducted on the 2nd of August, 2018.

1st Prize - Lenovo IdeaPad 15.6-Inch FHD Laptop - valued at £449.99 - won by montiffy

2nd Prize - NUTRiBULLET Blender with Smart Technology - valued at £129.99 - won by macann

3rd Prize - 6 Piece Garden Patio Furniture Set - valued at £115.00 - won by nissie

4th Prize - Kärcher Window Vac - valued at £79.99 - won by cmutter

5th Prize - American Chocolate Candy Hamper Box - valued at £24.95 - sewsewlady187

6th -10th Prize - £20 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £150 - won by natnat0483, xxginasxx, wendypoo, bingoqueen154 and phil41ba

11th - 20th Prize - £10 Amazon Voucher to each winner - total value of £100 - won by loki229, sparkygamer, wot_1, sue1960, washer, wyvernguide, lovebird67, ehallett25, nissie and macann

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PLEASE NOTE : Only UK members are eligible to win prizes. Members must have their mobile phone number and email address verified and have their full name, dob and full postal address on their profile to be eligible for prizes. Eligible prize winners will receive an email from us to confirm their win which they must complete and return within 28 days from their prize win before the prize will be shipped.